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General properties of Cherry Quarks

There are three important properties of Cherry Quarks existing:

Surely the most important fact to know about Cherry Quarks. Especially the recipe studies for the optimal flavour took fourteen years. Hundreds of test persons (but no animal!) were used. For a recipe see appendix B.
The Potential:
Without knowing the difference between an enclosing and other Potentials you will not have much fun with Cherry Quarks (see fig. 2).
The Charge:
A new quantity is recommended: a stomach filling. This brings back human proportions into physics. Psycho-physics has no need for the pseudo-objectivity reached by using measures from `outside' like the meter (circumference of earth, haha) or the kilogramm (one liter of water, splash splash). Where are our good ol' furlongs and gallons?


Figure 2: The difference between enclosing (left) and not enclosing (right) Potentials. 

Mit Apr 30 22:49:20 MEST 1997