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What can we do?

Knowing the reasons is fine, but it does not help us a lot in changing them, especially if they are found in our education and in the society.

But if we look around, we can see many mechanisms how people try to divert themselves from their Inner Void feelings. Here are some examples:

is one way. Buying something can give us a little distraction. Our economy bases mainly on the production of superfluous junk which only sense lies in the fact that it helps us to forget our Inner Void for awhile. But it gives no real satisfaction, and soon we will buy another scrap, and so keep the big wheels turning.
is connected to consumption, for we have to make lots of money to buy all that wonderful stuff. It has yet another dimension because we get appreciation for it directly. Also we can gain power, and show other people that we are superior to themgif.
seems to be the solution for our Inner Void problem. Here we have found someone who loves us and we love him/her. But there is nearly always a problem with the expectations we have. We have a picture of the other one in our mind, and it is the picture we love. We try to fit the other person into our picture (``Oh, if you promise to change yourself I will stay.''). We are jealous. We always ask ourselves: ``Is he/she still loving us?''

Do we accept the other one the way he/she is? Do we really wish the best for him/her? It seems as if we only have found a substitute--something that similar to the thing we miss so much, that we are able to suffer a lot for it.

is an example that it is very difficult to divide real life into several items, because we can get addicted to nearly everything. Drugs, but also sex, sports, food, gamblinggif and even consumption, work and love. Smoke a joint and think about our mania-society.
is difficult to discuss because it depends on faith, but I for myself think it fits into the scheme.

Our feelings are fooling us. We cannot let loose something we have got so far, even if it causes problems. Our never fulfilled yearning keeps us holding tight every little distraction, and do it again and again. We are killing our planet and ourselves for short kicks which help us to forget our Inner Void, our feeling of never being the right person in the right place. We are always in fear of loosing even our little substitute satisfactions, our possession and the comfortgif we have worked hard for, and so we got more and more conservative the older we are.

The roots for this behaviour are very deep in our minds, in our unconsciousness, in our broken self-confidence, and it seems at least the hardest work of our live to tear them out--and maybe it is impossible.

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Mit Apr 30 22:49:20 MEST 1997