Bribed by ALDI-Market
I beg your pardon for it is only available in German.
Even if we are very low we can always find someone who stands lower and show him we are better. Maybe he has black skin, or he is a she.
For a strange plan of some post-hippie physicists and computer whizz-kids to get lots of money using a computer which fits in a shoe and was capable of predicting the outcome of a roulette game, see [1].
It fits perfectly here that `comfort' has two different meanings, i.e. the state of well-being (German: BEQUEMLICKEIT) and relief from affliction and grief (German: TROST).
There is still another reason, but it is economic and non-physical, and therefore does not belong to this section.

Mit Apr 30 22:49:20 MEST 1997