DXF Viewer screenshot, standard view

Below you see a screenshot of the stand-alone version of the viewer with the default settings directly after the given DXF is loaded.


  1. Looking at the title you can see that a file packed with gzip is shown. This has decreased the file's size from 351061 to 75533 bytes (more than four times). Loading took about 8 seconds on my P133 using Linux and the fine JIT tya.
  2. The model is consisting of about 18500 lines.
  3. The status line shows that there has been warnings during the load. You can see them via Info>Message Log.
  4. This is only a 2D model which is chosen because it gives a good initial look (the viewer has no hidden line algorithm because that would be too slow in pure Java). 3D wireframes usually need some rotation to be understood.

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Next screenshots: Moving a model (about 40k)

Screenshot of DXF Viewer showing MTB